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Visit us at the K Trade Fair!

19 – 26 October 2022 in Düsseldorf, Germany: Hall 10, Stand Number 10H07

Visit us at the K Trade Fair! 19 – 26 October 2022 in Düsseldorf, Germany: Hall 10, Stand Number 10H07


The chlorine tester serves to check the pressure of pipes or pipe components made of hermoplastic polymers at elevated pressures and at elevated temperatures. In the process, the test specimens are tested for tolerance to water containing chlorine-dioxide and/or preheated water. The test cycles may last several months.
The test specimens will be mounted in up to four pressure-controlled test lines. The concentrated chlorine-dioxide solution will be prepared in the device and fed into the test loop using dosing pumps. The water conductivity is automatically controlled in the central test loop. The test circuits are installed in a test oven for the temperature control of the test specimens. Vapors and gases produced in the device will be extracted by a central exhaust system.
